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Manual Archive die Storage



Most compact solution to store rotary dies at floor level.

Manual Archive die Storage is an essential component of any manufacturing or packaging facility that requires rotary dies. Manual Archive Storage is a vertical rotary die storage system that provides a compact and efficient solution to store rotary dies at floor level. This innovative storage system not only maximizes your die storage capacity, but also offers better organization and access to your dies, thus improving productivity and factory safety.


Manual Archive die Storage is a critical component of your manufacturing or packaging facility that requires rotary dies. Manual Archive die Storage is a vertical rotary die storage system that provides a compact and efficient solution to store rotary dies at floor level. This innovative storage system not only maximizes your die storage capacity, but also offers better organization and access to your dies, thus improving productivity and factory safety. By using the key phrase "Vertical rotary die storage" for SEO purposes, you can attract potential customers who are looking for an efficient and space-saving rotary die storage solution.

Maximize Storage Capacity

  • Manual Archive die Storage’s stacking design allows you to store more dies in the same amount of space.
  • The vertical storage system enables you to make better use of the height of your facility.
  • You can more than triple your onsite die storage capacity with Manual Archive die Storage.

Improve the Access to Dies

  • The sliding support system of Manual Archive die Storage makes it easy to access any die in minutes, regardless of storage position.
  • You can eliminate the need for heavy lifting and climbing ladders to access your dies.
  • The system ensures equal access to any of your dies at any time.

Increase Productivity

  • Manual Archive die Storage improves workflow efficiency by allowing for better organization and access to your dies.
  • The system reduces the time required to locate and retrieve dies, resulting in increased productivity
  • When semi-automated with SERRARM, the system provides an additional boost to your production.

Protects your Goods

  • Manual Archive die Storage comes with a fire detection and sprinkler system that can be installed for factory safety.
  • The system protects your valuable dies from fire damage and ensures business continuity.
  • The sprinkler system can be integrated with your facility's fire suppression system for maximum protection.